Azure Data Services For Mission-Critical Services

Find how we used our ability to work across various data sources, especially when working with mission-critical services for our IT client. We proceeded to improve their data services, which included working with structured and unstructured data while working with Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks, Lake Storage, and other Azure Data Services. In the end, the client could use the clean data to do analytics in Power BI.

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Legacy Modernization

Our client was suffering from legacy systems problems. Our engineers reverse-engineered the crucial system parts with planned changes to other parts to provide them with a modern system that is easy to upgrade and maintain. Overall, our client reduced operational costs, less dependency, and improved future upgradability.

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Our international client wanted proper data migration/conversion for improved accuracy and integrity. Our expert data team understood the client’s requirements and implemented a system/tool that automated data migration/conversion. Our system followed careful planning and accurately understood source/target systems.

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